Evolutionary line of seasteading, big things have small beginnings, first waypoint investors talk, pilot project, permanent dwelling, business venture, seasteads are defined by their place in the evolutionary line,
If we talk on base of the evolutionary business approach for seasteads it must be said that the initial size of the venture matters very little - what matters in evolution is the “inner makings” of the organism that create a evolutionary line. Things like size, niche of operation (proposal list) are “superficial parameters” that can change very quickly in short time spans.
We all know that the ancestor of the Horse was just 30 cm, the ancestor of T-Rex the size of a chicken and ate insects.
In this analogy the ancestor of a seastead can easily be the size of a small raft as long as the “inner makings” are geared to be a seastead one day in the future. I would consider those “inner makings that count” along the following parameters…
Its place in the “history of developments that lead to permanent dwellings at sea”
For this reasons i don’t have a problem to declare a venture along the lines of a very small marine business a seasteading startup…as long as it is built on concrete honeycomb…and has the growth dynamics.
On the other hand taking in account what was said about the phase 1 key conversation for practical reasons (avoid the investor laughstorm) a size of 20x10m (triangular shape 100 square meter real estate / USD 16.000 project building budget / USD 1,7million potential asset value) would be indicated…to get most main stream investors interested - but that is only a practical advise - there are ventures that get investors and sponsors to building something the size of a canoe…without a laughstorm - all depends on the style and make of your build…