mega engineering projects floating concrete honeycomb shell structures
Dome, dome cluster, dome shell, honeycomb shell building, marine dome structure, marine concrete construction,
Floating dome cluster, floating city central garden view
Hexagon truss structure dome
Floating dome, lens, hexagon truss structure, light honeycomb shell, central garden view.
Wilfried Ellmer Group / @nautilusmaker / / / Portal Industrial Cartagena / /
Get an internet boardroom (discourse), where a number of invited guests can have a natural conversation, with pictures and refererence links, far beyond the capability of e-mail. Hold all the info together, use multiple media. Limit, and grant access, get a resident advisor/expat to your project. Get set and running, for only USD 100 / market opening / business development / tip your toe in / joint venture / testing / exploring / resources, mentoring, advisory, network / get started / personalized fact finding / low risk entrance / - .
Get a foothold in ocean colonization:
The Captain Nemo Lifestyle:
Why oceanic business is the next big thing to come:
Ocean sphere fish farming:
Ocean colonization gallery:
Big things have small beginnings ocean colonization transition, potential:
Sustainability on Planet Earth only the oceans can safe us:
Free spirited oceanic lifestyle global mobility: