Make no mistakes, UNCLOS’s Article 89 is strictly enforced by the international community. It is NOT a matter of what some think or just a matter of “opinion”. It is the rule of international and maritime law. Period. That’s why you don’t see ANY “smithsteads” anywhere on the high seas. And that’s why you don’t see ANYTHING “freestanding” on the high seas. Period.
So, at the level of tenth or hundreds of million dollars investments in seasteading that some people are talking about here, there will be only ONE DECISION that the educated investor will do: invest is STRICT COMPLIANCE with the international law.
Any “arguments” or “rebuttals” on the subject, are pure fantasies,…
If that where so, why would the territorial claim of Brazil over the presalt fields and it`s illegal instalment of Floating moored production vessels in “Unclos 89 protected waters” not be “strictly enforced” by the international community removing those “illegal installations” based on “illegal claims” by force based on UN vote. – The only explanation is – “Unclos is just a bunch of opinions” and what counts on the high seas is “Realpolitik” nobody has an interest and gives a sht for what Unclos says when realpolitic and business facts are at stake…The example shows – business facts beat Unclos by orders of magnitude…the idea that the “oceans are ruled by Unclos” is pure fantasies…