Only free science and business development can save the planet

Continuing the discussion from Oceanic freedom subdue to nobody:

Sustainability on ocean planet earth:

The madness is not in making a serious effort for ocean colonization the madness is thinking we can go on with “business as usual” in the next three decades comming up…

The madness is not let science free and unrestricted - the madness is to believe a “restriction of scientific and technological development” will make us safer.

We might have reached the planetary maximum of sustainability 2-3 decades ago when the global population was half as it is now. We are currently at almost 7 billion humans on the planet, and the continents may only be able to bare with 3-4 billion humans sustained with normal agriculture as we know it. The overwork of agriculture land is pointing to a diminuishing food production (damage of fertilizer, erosion, desertification, plages, monoculture) rather than to a growth in food production to expect.

Fisheries are in free fall due to the near extinction of all species of wildstock.

The only resource left to tap into for supply of more humans is the vast space of the ocean and its giant housing squaremeter and food production capability if we domesticate oceanic food production …

We are dealing with 2 exponential functions sitting on top of each other - “population growth per capita” AND “expansion of human needs and wish for a better life” even if population growth would stabilize (i doubt that it will) Chineese people stepping out of mao suit, one kid family, wanting a car, and Indian population stepping out of slum conditions will STILL create a exponential growth of “human needs for production and consumption”.

Even worse the frequently mentioned “stabilization of population numbers in developed countries” are rendered insignificant by the still exponential expansion of GPD in fully industrialized countries driven by more and more demand for goods like consumer electronics that did not even exist in the “seventies” and now come “to market” in a ever faster rithm creating faster growing needs.

If we do rule out (and we should do that) that a global absolute regime puts any family on a “one child” politics with “food, mao suits, and bicicle” as only “consumer goods”. There is just no way to anything near stabilization and sustainability on the planet - not even in the most optimistic dream scenario.

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