Draupner wave handling options

Draupner a incredible high and steep wave 20m or more sets the engineering parameters for a seastead.

More about Draupner:

Keep it simple don’t overengineer it

Don’t “overengineer” it. A simple and economic shell, with a adequate ballast center will just do fine … we are looking for “affordable real estate” – so no flipping around 90 degree (like flip ship), no lifting up like a treehouse 30m above the surface (leave this to big oil and its unlimited budgets) …keep it simple.

  • Honeycomb platforms for surface floats (if they are big enough and can handle Draupners on the surface > 400m)

  • shells, if it is small (it needs to stand Draupner Events in overwash mode without rolling over)

Either a small shell overwash capable to take a Draupener in “duck diving mode” with a deep ballast center that keeps it on even keel.

Or a surface floating megastructure with Draupner handling capacity on an outer seawall minimum 16m high type lagoon.

The best feature for a surface float is triangular with a bow for wave handling type Ramform…

More about Ramform:

Baystead only design

The rest of “design” is “baystead only” not capable of permanent open ocean stay…


As long as the structure is small the bubble living space concept is the only feasible concept at hand for open water seasteads at the end there are good reasons that when you look around on the ocean you see a EMPTY surface. Mother nature never managed it to “colonize the watersurface” in some 600 million years – every time an animal or plant “went oceanic” it took the path of settlement below the surface … Draupner migh be the explanation for that.


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