Alliance networks and firm performance: The impact of repeated partnerships. Strategic Management

Alliance networks and firm performance: The impact of repeated partnerships. Strategic Management | business facilitation | Latin America | alliance, business network, oceanic alliance, marine cluster alliance, key player network,

We help international companies to get a foothold and grow fast in Colombia Latin America, Wilfried Ellmer

Wilfried Ellmer Group / @nautilusmaker / / / Portal Industrial Cartagena / /

Get an internet boardroom (discourse), where a number of invited guests can have a natural conversation, with pictures and refererence links, far beyond the capability of e-mail. Hold all the info together, use multiple media. Limit, and grant access, get a resident advisor/expert to your project. Get set and running, for only USD 100 // market opening / business development / tip your toe in / joint venture / testing / exploring / resources / mentoring / advisory / networking / get started / personalized fact finding / low risk entrance / get foothold options / contact: - .